Standard Delivery Timings
Your order will arrive to your doorstep within 3-5 working days.
Your order will reach you within 8-10 working days.
Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at
Local Delivery Charges
Delivery Types |
Purchase Order |
Delivery Fees |
Local Shipping (Below $50) |
SGD 1.00 - SGD 49.99 |
$4.90 |
Free Local Shipping (Above $50) |
SGD 50.00 and above |
An SMS will be sent to you after your transaction with us with your tracking number and URL. If you have not received any SMS within the estimated date of arrival, you can email us at and we will assist you with your delivery.
International Shipping Charges
International shipping charges will vary according to your location. But we will ensure our best to reduce costs so that you are able to enjoy affordable shipping fees. Do note that import taxes might be incurred when the parcel reaches your local customs. The payment of import tax should be made by the consumer to their local customs.
Don’t think your order is right for you? Don’t sweat it! One Gallery offers easy returns within 7 days after delivery – no questions asked! However, courier charges will be absorbed by you.
You can choose one of the following return options:
Exchange your item for different size/color
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Exchanges are only available for similar products (i.e. keychains, pouches) . Exchanging for a different product is not allowed; We would encourage you to return your original item for a refund and place a new order for the different product after. |
A full refund to your original payment mode or Store Credit
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Refunds are typically issued via your original payment method indicated while checking out your items. You will receive an email notification once your refund is processed. |
Replacement for a wrong or defective item sent
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We are so sorry for the inconvenience and we would like to make it up to you! Please drop us an email at with the following information:
Please ensure that your items do not fall under the list of non-exchangeable and non-refundable brands & items here.
Is the item within 7 days from the day you received it?
Is the item in the same condition as when it was first arrived?
Are the tags still intact and attached to the item?
Is the item still in its original packaging?
Is the item packed neatly and securely together with the invoice?
The item remains in your care before it gets back to us. Hence, in preparation for returning the item back to us, ensure that extreme caution is taken.
Please note:
One Gallery reserves the right to withhold any refunds if your original item have not reached our warehouse.
Ensure that refund details given are correct and complete.
Voucher codes cannot be re-issued and are non-refundable. If you return an item which was purchased using a voucher code, only the final paid price (after discount) will be refunded.